AMR in the Hospital

Case Study of the evolution of Daptomycin in SEpi following prolonged antibiotic exposure

Antimalarial Resistance in Ethiopia

Estimating the prevalence of antimalarial mutations in Ethiopia across time and space

COVID19 IFR Re-estimation

Estimating the COVID-19 first wave IFR using serologic data accounting for seroreversion

`DISCent`: Spatial Inbreeding Estimation

An algorithm for detecting deme inbreeding spatial coefficients from recombining pathogen genetic data

Vivax in the DRC

Determing who was being infected, where infections were occuring, and where they originated

`COVIDCurve`: COVID-19 Statistical Modeling

Bayesian statistical model for estimating age-based infection fatality ratios from serologic data

`polySimIBD`: A Simple Malaria Genetic Model

Spatial Structured Wright Fisher Model for Malaria Population Genetic Simulations

Antimalarial Resistance in the DRC

Exploring population structure attributed to antimalarial resistance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Tanzania-Zanzibar Transmission

Coupling epidemiologic analysis with relatedness metrics (identity by descent) and population dynamics, we show that there is active transmission between Tanzania and Zanzibar

Simulating Deterministic SIR Models in a Closed and Open Population Playground

Below, you will find code for creating a shiny flex-dashboard for simple SIR open and closed population models. --- title: "Simulating SIR Models in a Closed and Open Population" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" editor_options: chunk_output_type: console output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard runtime: shiny --- {r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = F, warning = F, message = F, fig.align = 'center', results = 'hide', fig.keep = 'all') library(tidyverse) library(cowplot) # https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/layouts.html#multiple_pages {r} #.............................................................. # Open Model #.