
Spatial Patterns of Falciparum Malaria Genetic Relatedness Driven by Human Movement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Remote presentation at the annual American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference. Presented early work on the Deme Inbreeding Spatial Coefficient framework and the DISCent R-package. This project is currently in preparation.

The Epidemiology of Asymptomatic P. vivax Among Adults in the Democratic Republic of the Congoo

Presentation of the first aim of my PhD dissertation, which focused on the epidemiology of P. vivax in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, at the annual American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference. This work is now published in Nature Communications1. Brazeau NF, Mitchell CL, Morgan AP, Deutsch-Feldman M, Watson OJ, Thwai KL, Gelabert P, van Dorp L, Keeler CY, Waltmann A, Emch M, Gartner V, Redelings B, Wray GA, Mwandagalirwa MK, Tshefu AK, Likwela JL, Edwards JK, Verity R, Parr JB, Meshnick SR, Juliano JJ.

polyIBD: Inferring Identity by Descent in Complex, Polyclonal Infections

Presentation at the annual Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria conference presenting early work on polyIBD a hidden Markov model for inferring identity by descent in polyclonal infections using a Bayesian framework. This project is currently in preparation.