Vivax in the DRC

P. vivax has long been assumed to be essentially extinct in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this manuscript, we combine techniques from causal inference epidemiolgy, spatial epidemiology, and bioinformatics to describes who is being infected by P. vivax in the DRC, where infections are occurring, and where the infections potentially originated. Overall, we suggest that P. vivax is persisting in the DRC rather than expanding or thriving. This project was published as Brazeau et al. 2021 in Nature Communications1.

  1. Brazeau NF, Mitchell CL, Morgan AP, Deutsch-Feldman M, Watson OJ, Thwai KL, Gelabert P, van Dorp L, Keeler CY, Waltmann A, Emch M, Gartner V, Redelings B, Wray GA, Mwandagalirwa MK, Tshefu AK, Likwela JL, Edwards JK, Verity R, Parr JB, Meshnick SR, Juliano JJ. The epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax among adults in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 7;12(1):4169. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24216-3. PMID: 34234124; PMCID: PMC8263614. ↩︎

Nicholas Brazeau
Resident Physician
